Neurosurgery (Skull Base Approaches)

Course Objectives

The objective of this surgical course is to improve patient care. Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify principles of various skin flaps and craniotomies
  • Describe cavernous sinus anatomy and surgical exposure
  • Describe and better understand various commonly used anterior, middle and posterior cranial fossa skull base approaches
  • Review Lateral skull base anatomy and surgical exposures
  • Identify temporal bone anatomy and specify transpetrosal surgical approaches

Target Audience

Practicing neurosurgeons, otolaryngologists, fellows, and residents in training.


Day-1 Basic Course

9.00 – 9.15 AM            Course introduction- Faculty and participant introduction

9.15-9.30 AM              Pre test

9.30 – 10. 30 AM         Lectures (15 minutes each)

  1. Positioning Craniotomy & flaps in neurosurgery procedures
  2. Principles, Indications and Surgical anatomy of Pterional & FTOZ craniotomy
  3. Surgical anatomy and Microsurgical approach to the cavernous sinus
  4. Anterior Clinoidectomy- Technical note
  1. 30 – 10.50 AM Video Session– Short 5 minute videos each-
  1. Pterional Craniotomy
  2. FTOZ Craniotomy
  3. Dolenc’s Approach
  4. Anterior Clinoidectomy

10.50-11.00 AM- TEA BREAK

10.45 – 12.45 PM       Demonstration of exercise (30 min each)

  1. Pterional craniotomy
  2. Frontotemporal Orbito Zygomatic approach
  3. Dolenc Approach
  4. Anterior Clinoidectomy


1.00-2.00 PM  LUNCH

2.00- 5.00 PM             Hands on Dissection on all Exercises (45 min/ Exercise)


Day-2 Advanced Course

9.00- 10.15 AM- Lectures (15 mints each)

  1. Translabyrinthine approach for acoustic neuromas
  2. Extended middle fossa approach and anterior petrosectomy- indications and Surgical anatomy
  3. Indications and surgical anatomy of combined petrosal approach
  4. Indications and surgical anatomy of Far Lateral/ extreme / lateral trans condylar approach to Jugular foramen and lateral high cervical region
  5. Complication avoidance in skull base surgery

10.15- 11.00 AM         Video Session– Short (6+1) minute videos each-

  1. Translabyrynthine Approach to acoustic neuromas
  2. Mastoidectomy
  3. Kawase’s Approach
  4. Combined petrosal approach
  5. Far lateral approach
  6. Extreme far lateral/ lateral transcondylar approach

11.00 AM – 1 PM        Demonstration (40 minutes each)

  1. Kawase’s Approach
  2. Total Petrosectomy
  3. Far lateral/ Extreme Far Lateral Approach

1 – 2 PM                      Lunch

2 -4 PM                       Hands on Dissection on all Exercises

4 -4.15 PM- Post-test and Valedictory